Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Myths about Porcelain Veneers

As a cosmetic dental procedure, veneers are highly popular and generate buzz online regarding the procedure itself and treatment outcomes. Seeking care from a qualified dentist who listens to your concerns, takes the time to customize your treatment, and explains every part of the process along the way is vital in helping to avoid some of the pitfalls many patients may fall into by seeking care from a less-than-thorough practitioner. While stories of veneers gone wrong are available online, there are some stories about veneer therapy that prove to be untrue when seeking care from an experienced cosmetic dentist, such as:

Getting Veneers is Painful - While some patients report discomfort during their veneer procedure, a careful dentist is able to ensure that your treatment is as free of discomfort as possible by skillfully applying a local anesthetic. While the veneers treatment process is not invasive, teeth do have to be prepared so that your veneers can be securely applied and look natural, which is where a gentle touch and use of a numbing agent are particularly important.

Veneers Damage Your Teeth – Because a veneer is of a certain thickness, natural dental enamel must first be buffed, or prepared, so that your veneers do not add extra, uncomfortable bulk to teeth. However, the thickness of the veneer and the amount of dental enamel that must be prepared is quite thin – typically 1 millimeter or less. In comparison, the edge of a quarter is almost double the thickness of a porcelain veneer at 1.75 millimeters. Before beginning the veneer treatment process, our North Canton cosmetic dentist – Dr. Julie Thomas – explains exactly how much dental enamel will be removed, so you can feel comfortable with the procedure. While tooth enamel must be prepared, this process does not involve the extreme alteration of teeth, as what is typically indicated with the use of dental crowns for severely decayed teeth.

Veneers Stain – Your porcelain veneers are made to stand up to staining and should not discolor over time. For a bright white uniform look, natural teeth can first be bleached and veneers can be made to match your new teeth shade. If you have just a few veneers applied, it’s important to keep in mind that natural dental enamel can still stain with repeated exposure to things like coffee, tea, red wine, and tobacco. To protect the color of your new smile, it’s best to minimize these diet and lifestyle choices.

Ask Our Office about Porcelain Veneers

If you have questions about how many veneers are right for your treatment needs, what wearing veneers is like, and what you can expect from treatment, contact our office for your consultation. We avoid over-treatment and help you enjoy a lasting healthy and beautiful smile by only placing the number of veneers that you absolutely need to meet your goals. Dr. Julie Thomas works hard to ensure that you are educated and comfortable regarding your procedure.

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